Friday, June 6, 2008

Wheel in the Sky keeps on turning

1) Exit, Stage Right: Charlie Rangel on that HRC conference call: "She wanted to talk to supporters and get advice, so she got advice. Love and affection doesn't have a damn thing to do with counting votes." [ 6-5-08]

2) "Today, we settle all family business." Last Saturday the Obama team worked out the Michigan and Florida mess while the candidate resigned from his troublesome church. Michael Corleone would have been proud.

3) Dude, enough already: Will somebody tell Chris Matthews to stop noting that if HRC was to take the Veep spot she would "have to obey." Saying the word "obey" once was weird. Repeating it over and over, day after day, was getting creepy. Did Nixon ask Agnew if he was ready to "obey?" Okay, so Johnson probably did ask HHH, but come on.

4) Jordan Wright RIP: Dedicated collector of American political memoribilia for the last 40 years, he went way beyond a mere button collection. You've got to love a guy who had "Clean Up With Ike" bars of soap. Quoted in his NYT obit: "There hasn't been an election since Washington's when we didn't go to the voting booth holding our nose." [NYT 6-1-08]

5) Cheney's West Virginia Quip: Recounting Cheneys on both sides of the family tree, "So I had Cheneys on both sides of the family and we don't even live in West Virginia....You can say those things when you're not running for reelection." Funny as a crutch, Rich.

6) On knowing a lose/lose situation when you see one: NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg's Deputy Mayor, Kevin Sheekey, passes on the RNC offer to manage the GOP Convention in Minnesota.

7) Didn't he hear about the notebook thingy? Rep. Artur Davis (D., Alabama), Obama campaign adviser, suggests list of names for possible VP pick, including ex Florida Sen. Bob Graham, who is probably making note of that (and other things) as you read this.

8) Shelby, quit while you're ahead: Shelby Steele's book about Obama was titled: "Bound Man: Why We Are Excited About Obama and Why He Can't Win." He also predicted HRC would take the nomination.

9) Ralph Reed writes a novel: And titles it "Dark Horse." And says it's the "most honest book, without question, I've written." Say no more.

10) The Pres speaks: As quoted in The Washington Post's "In The Loop" column this week, GWB delivering a speech on May 27th in Arizona: "And so the fact that they purchased the machine meant somebody had to make the machine. And when somebody makes a machine, it means there's jobs at the machine-making place." As the man said, it's "The working, the working, just the working life," indeed.

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