Thursday, April 10, 2008

Playing Politics since 1869

April 11, 2008

1) April 4, 2008 - New York Times Op-Ed page - Bob Shrum pens piece urging Hillary to stay in the race. Collective Democratic heart skips beat, then returns to normal rhythm upon realizing that Shrum is not involved in running either the Clinton or Obama campaigns.

2) Politics 101: Mark Penn's demise. Anonymous insider to The Washington Post: "She couldn't get rid of Mark until he gave her the rope."

3) You haven't really practiced politics 'til you've walked around with an envelope of "walkin' around money." Herbert Alexaner, father of campaign finance research, has passed. As quoted in his obits: "It's been drummed into people time and again that money in politics is bad, that the people who give money are seeking some special favor, that the politicians are all on the take. But sometimes, it turns out all these wealthy people who give are just expressing their political views. The end result is messy and cluttered and contradictory - sort of like democracy itself."

4) MSNBC 3:35 p.m. EST 4-9-08 onscreen headline: "McCain briefly confuses Shia, Sunni, corrects himself."

5) Washington Post 4-8-08: Spike Lee speaks truth to Clintons: "I voted for Clinton twice, but that's over with. These old black politicians say, 'Ooh, Massuh Clinton was good to us, massuh hired a lot of us, massuh was good!' Hoo! Charlie Rangel, David Dinkins - they have to understand this is a new day." In the words of Mr. Tom Petty, "Hey, Spike, you're scarin' my wife."

6) Roger Stone - GOP Secret Agent Man - Spitzer, Penn - Where will he strike next? [Really great how MSM has forgotten all about those swinger ads.]

7) Political Tin Ear Awards 2008 Nominee: Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Alabama), speaking on PBS the night of Gen. Petraeus' report to Congress: "I couldn't be happier!" about the surge, etc.

8) This week's "GOP Sky is Falling" report: In March, Pennsylvania's Bucks and Montgomery counties become "Majority Democratic registration" counties. Yeah, they'll be changing back, right?

9) HBO's "John Adams" 4-6-08: "Impartiality is always partial, John." Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, countering Adams' argument that the Washington Administration must retain "impartiality" in the war between Britain and France.

10) "Hell, I had 'em with me one day, and the next day I didn't. That's how you know."
Former Oklahoma Senator and 1976 Presidential contender Fred Harris (D), explaining that once he lost Iowa and New Hampshire, his press coverage disappeared and his campaign was over. [The Washington Post 4-6-08]

1 comment:

The Brooklyn Better Science Club said...

Another Tin Ear nomination should go to the Junior Senator from New York for joking to Jay Leno that she was late because she was detained by sniper fire.

Hopefully she will eventually learn that just trying to laugh something off doesn't necessarily make it funny—particularly when you are auditioning for commander in chief.

Let's see. There's dumb, dumber, moron and then there's nuclear moron with a side of "She said what?"