Thursday, April 17, 2008

Playing Politics since 1869

April 17, 2008

1) Note to Sen. Obama: Forget "small town bitter." Be more concerned about "Big City bitter," particularly in light of your campaign's decision not to spread any "street money" around Philly!

2) Sen. McCain says that, among other places, he'll go as far as "South Philly" to meet with and address the concerns of black voters. Well, if you say so Lt. Cmdr. But it may be time to radio in for new coordinates.

3) Sniper Fire Redux: Bill Clinton shines a light in that dark political graveyard where all bad campaign press goes to die. Time to hit the links, Mr. President. Really. No, really.

4) Post Modern Political Commentary rears its ugly head: Chris Matthews to Andrea Mitchell, as they go to a commercial break, MSNBC 1 p.m. EST, 4-15-08: "We and the voters share a love of truth. Politicians love the other." [Note: Quote not taken out of context. This is it in its entirety.]

5) From the "People who need to get out more" Department: "People are sick of this Bush bashing stuff!" Mary Matalin, Meet the Press 4-13-08.

6) Fox News, 5:40 p.m. EST 4-11-08: Host: "Obama is expected to emphasize the age difference with McCain." No. Your eyes will do that.

7) "No man is an island." Oh wait, there's one! Sen. Lieberman, asked if he will deliver a keynote address at the GOP Convention endorsing McCain, replies, "If he asks me to do it, ....I will." [The Hill 4-15-08]

8) "Teddy R. Says Hello!" In the ever evolving debacle that is the New Jersey GOP U.S. Senate primary contest, the state party has now turned to former Rep. Dick Zimmer, who lost the 1996 U.S. Senate race there by ten points, to enter the fray, after businessman Andy Unanue suddenly withdrew. St. Sen. Joe Pennacchio, who was already in the primary race to begin with, promises he'll file a lawsuit to keep Zimmer out, saying that he'd only get out of the race if the state party exhumed "President Theodore Roosevelt, who died in 1919, and get[s] him to run."

9) Picking a Running Mate Rule #37: "If John McCain picks a young guy in a jogging suit, it's an incredibly stupid move because it's like 'the casting rule.' You know, if you're Robert Redford's agent, and they want Brad Pitt to be the co-star, and you're like, 'No, we want Ernest Borgnine.' You know, it's a balancing act." Mike Murphy, Meet the Press, 4-13-08.

10) Yes Lord Vader. Of course, Lord Vader. China's state news agency, after branding House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as "disgusting," demands CNN apologize for commentator Jack Cafferty's reference to the Chinese Gov't as being run by a bunch of "goons." CNN complies.

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